Monday, 31 August 2015

Junior School Speech competition

Donald is delivering his speech about his Grandma who lives and Samoa.

Herz is delivering his speech about his
Grandparents who live in the Philippines.

Finalists in the Junior School Speech competition - Sarah, Angel, Lennard, Amy, Ariana, Isaiah, Summer, Tanaki, Clarissa, Victoria, Donald, Hercz and Akaela.

Everyone did a great job as attentive members of the audience.

Monday, 24 August 2015

New people in Room 1

Maiyde with her older brother and sister.  Welcome to Room 1!

Georgina with her older brother and her mum on her very first day.

Wednesday, 19 August 2015

Wednesday - Writing time

I was running down the slide and I did not 'swoosh' on my bottom because I like running on slides. I like slides because I love playing on the playground.  
Author:  Richie

In the sunshine my cheeks went cool when I went down the slide.  The slippery slide was wet from the water.  
Author: Donald

In the sunshine we went on the slide.  It was fun.  I went wh...eee...eee!  
Author: Eddie

Tuesday, 18 August 2015

Tuesday - Writing

The daffodils are beautiful and the birds are singing.  They like the spring.
by Hercz

Thursday, 13 August 2015

Our creation walk

We went on a creation walk to notice all the plants, birds and animals God has created. 

We must care for the world because it is good and holy. 
When we notice beautiful things in the world we can remember God

God created the trees for us to enjoy

Wednesday, 12 August 2015

Some good books to borrow

A visit from Christchurch city library

A busy day at school today.
This is Zac the Librarian reading to the children. One of his favourites - Squid Kid the Magnificent. The children loved it too! Ask for this book and some of the others Zac shared next time you are in the library. You could also ask for Polar Bears Underwear - oh the laughter!
If you have not joined your child up to the Christchurch City Library Service  please do so.  They have an incredible range of books - and it is free!

We got to keep one of Ronald McDonald's red and white striped socks - because we helped him find it.

He will take his car to search for it BUT he must remember to make his seatbelt click.

When we are walking on the footpath we need to look out for sneaky driveways.

Remember to 'Stop, Look and Listen' before crossing the road - even at the pedestrian crossing.

Eddie, Richard, Kaelen and Luise watching Ronald McDonald give us his road safety message.

Asta La Vista Baby! as Ronald McDonald says goodbye.

Ronald McDonald tells the children the wind has blown his red and white strip sock off the clothes line.

Getting ready for our surprise visitor!!

The Junior School together - waiting for Ronald McDonald.

Friday, 7 August 2015

Buddy reading with Room 5

I am sharing my book with my brother

I am learning to point to the words when I read them. Miss Goldsworthy is helping me today.

I am reading Stop to my buddy.
We are showing our buddies how we can read beautifully.
My buddy noticed that I don't need to point to the words anymore. 

Thursday, 6 August 2015

Religious education

Today we made crosses from sticks we found in the garden. Our crosses are holy because they remind us of God's goodness and love for us.

Wednesday, 5 August 2015

Keeping ourselves safe

Constable Ross taught us how to say Hello politely.  

Keeping ourselves safe

Keeping Ourselves Safe with Constable Ross and Room 2.  We are learning the correct names for parts of our body.